Lock your Macbook while away

Post author
Collin Mutembei

Computer security is critical to the business we do. An effortless model you could use to picture Computer Security is the OSI model. Layer 1 refers to the Physical Layer. If someone other than you has their hands on your computer they can do all sort of things with it, an example being posting on Slack under your account. That's probably not going to do much harm but just give it some thought...what else can they do?

When it comes to Computer Security, it's the way you do the little things that keep you "safe".

I consider physical access to be the pinnacle of compromising computer security, that's why I think you should always lock your computer whenever you walk away from it. Here are two steps you could use to raise the security bar for your Mac:

  1. 🍏 > System Preferences > Security & Privacy > ☑️ Require password immediately ...
  2. Whenever you walk away from you Mac press control + shift + power button



  • Comment author
    Permanently deleted user

    It's actually Control + Shift + Power Button, not Command.

  • Comment author
    Scott Carleton

    Can confirm. Just tried it :)

  • Comment author
    Collin Mutembei

    Thanks Edem, updated.

  • Comment author
    Christopher Ganga
    • Edited

    This is nice. I have an alias afn(away for now), since most of the time my terminal is open.

    afn='/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/User.menu/Contents/Resources/CGSession -suspend'

  • Comment author
    Adeleke Togun
    • Edited

    Leveraging the Hot corners feature allows you put your mac to sleep with the least amount of effort. 

    System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver > Screen Saver > Hot Corners, select "Put display to sleep" on the corner of your choice.

    Subsequently moving your mouse to the selected corner puts your laptop to sleep. (of course, this will only be effective if you have Require password after waking your mac set to active)

  • Comment author
    Adam Lupu

    Now if I could just find a way to lock my brain when I'm away from it. Less distractions all around!

  • Comment author
    Robert Opiyo

    Another reason to lock your mac while you're away is someone will fiddle around with your slack profile and other social accounts. I've been a victim to that.

  • Comment author
    Clement Mwendwa

    Pressing the power button for like 2 secs works too.

  • Comment author
    Permanently deleted user

    Remember to change the settings to Require Password immediately. You can set your Mac to sleep but someone can get there in less than the time that's put there by default (5 mins), and wake up your Mac without requiring any password.


  • Comment author
    Zakayo Thuku
    • Edited

    Control + Command + Q

    Works like a charm!


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